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Does the nursing home need to develop a policy?

2021-06-23 418

Without a clear policy, there will be no direction and motivation, and it will not be able to agglutinate the leadership and the whole staff of the nursing home. Whether the policy is correct and appropriate is directly related to the speed and structure of the development of the nursing home. Of course, no matter how big or good the policy is, there is no practical solution.

The development policy of nursing home should include short-term policy and long-term policy. The short-term policy is generally within five years, which should include: accurate and agile market entry, well-known service brand, competitive service quality, constantly strong talent force, and increasingly perfect pension equipment. The long-term policy also includes: loyal and reliable customer group, stable and considerable investment repayment, etc. On the basis of careful calculation, the above policy can also be quantified.


In order to complete the policy on schedule, it is necessary to formulate the following plans: the basic equipment construction plan, the medical pension equipment scheme, the talent training plan, the pension hospital civilization and standard construction plan, the Pension Hospital Marketing and planning plan, financial treatment and economic access plan, etc.

The article originates from: Fengjing pension center, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City


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